Since 2008, the Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon (VDHM) has been a beacon of athletic spirit, distinguished by its World Athletics Gold Label, a distinction unmatched by any other Indian half marathon. Organized by Procam International Pvt Ltd. and partnered with United Way Delhi since 2022 as philanthropy partner, the latest edition of VDHM raised Rs. 89 crores through individual fundraisers and corporate contributions.

Bringing together runners from across the globe since 2008. Not only does VDHM hold the distinction of being the only Indian half marathon to receive the World Athletics Gold Label, but it also serves as a significant platform for philanthropy, leaving a distinctive mark on both sporting and social realms.





Race Categories

Form the Delhi half marathon to the Great Delhi Run, VDHM provide Inclusive race categories to all ages and abilities
Race Categories
Category Distance Age Criteria
Half Marathon(HM) 21.09 KM Above 18 years
Open 10K 10 KM Above 15 years
Great Delhi Run(GDR) 4.5 KM Above 12 years
Senior Citizen’s Run TBD Above 60 years
Champions with Disability TBD CWD Above 12 years
Buddy Above 18 years

Participation Platforms

NGOs can use personalized pages, charity bibs, and social impact contributions to raise funds and support Otheir causes. Corporate teams engage in philanthropy through team participation and donations, promoting employee engagement and social responsibility

Charity Bibs

Charity bibs offer runners the opportunity to support NGOs while participating in the marathon amplifying their impact with every step.

Incentives And Recognition

NGOs and contributors recieve incentives and recognition based on fundraising achievements, promoting a culture of support and impact

Philanthropy Awards

The VDHM Philanthropy Awards celebrate the remarkable contributions of individuals, corporations, and NGOs, inspiring others to make an impact.
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