How UNITED WAY OF DELHI is different from other NGOs?

United Way Delhi is an independent local not for profit organization affiliated to the United Way Worldwide Family- one of the World’s Largest Leadership with 1800 affiliate chapters across 41 countries.

UWD is working since 2008 and we aspire to improve lives by addressing local priority issues, creating lasting impact and implementing diverse engagement and resource mobilization under various domains including Early Childhood, Education, Financial Stability, Health, Environment, and Disaster Response.

Overall, UWD stands out for its collaborative, community-driven approach, commitment to measurable impact, and ability to mobilize resources at local level.

What is the Philanthropy Pillar of VDHM 2024?
The Philanthropy pillar embodies the commitment to society and creating a positive impact on the community. The pillar encompasses raising funds through the Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon platform for various initiatives and programs that aim to address social issues, promote inclusivity, and uplift the under-served communities.
What is the role of UWD as Philanthropy Partner for VDHM0-2024?
Philanthropy pillar of VDHM represents a dedication to promoting a culture of giving back to society, addressing social issues, promoting inclusivity, and empower under-served communities. UWD acts as a crucial intermediary, connecting NGOs with donors through personalized web pages, facilitating diverse donations. Participating NGOs receive recognition and incentives, like charity bibs, highlighting the value of their contributions. UWD ensures transparency and accountability through project monitoring and reporting, while the Corporate Team category allows corporates to integrate their philanthropic activities with VDHM, promoting teamwork and employee engagement. On race day, special tents offer corporate team’s engagement and unity experiences, reinforcing their connection to VDHM's goal of helping others. These actions demonstrate VDHM's commitment to creating a lasting impact on the community while spreading the joy of giving and togetherness.
How can NGOs collaborate with United Way Delhi for VDHM participation?
NGOs can collaborate with UWD by registering on its platform and leveraging its resources for VDHM participation. Through UWD, NGOs gain access to fundraising channels, charity bibs, and social impact initiatives, empowering them to amplify their causes and engage with a diverse audience of marathon participants.
How much of the donation reaches the specific NGO selected?
90% of donations are directed to the selected NGO
What is 80G certificate? What are its benefits?

The 80G certificate is a provision under the Indian Income Tax Act that allows donors to claim a deduction for donations made to specified charitable organizations. This certificate is issued by the Income Tax Department of India to eligible non-profit organizations, indicating that donations made to them are eligible for tax deductions.

Benefits of the 80G certificate include:

  1. Tax Deduction: Donors can claim a deduction of up to 50% or 100% of the donated amount, depending on the type of charitable organization and the donor's eligibility.
  2. Encouragement of Philanthropy: By providing tax benefits, the 80G certificate encourages individuals and businesses to contribute to charitable causes and support the work of non-profit organizations.
  3. Increased Donations: The availability of tax deductions incentivizes more people to donate, leading to increased funding for charitable activities and social welfare programs.
  4. Transparency and Accountability: To qualify for the 80G certificate, charitable organizations must meet specific criteria regarding transparency, governance, and utilization of funds. This ensures accountability and instills confidence in donors regarding the proper utilization of their contributions.
  5. Social Impact: The 80G certificate facilitates the flow of funds to various sectors such as education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, and environmental conservation, thereby fostering social development and addressing pressing societal issues.
Can a runner participate in the Half Marathon category (21 km) without a timing certificate?
When a runner avails a Charity Bib, they get exemption for the timing certificate exemption. By participating through a Charity Bib, runners can bypass the need for a timing certificate, as their primary focus is on fundraising for the chosen charity rather than achieving a specific race time.
What causes or initiatives does VDHM support?
VDHM supports a diverse range of causes and initiatives aimed at making society better. While there isn't a single cause given preference, VDHM prioritizes supporting all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations, along with other initiatives that align with its mission.
What are Charity Bibs, and how can individuals avail them?
Charity Bibs are designated slots within the marathon reserved for runners who wish to support NGOs by making a minimum donation. These bibs are accessible through NGO partners and exempt individuals from timing pre-qualification for the half marathon category. Interested individuals can obtain Charity Bibs from the UWD VDHM microsite by selecting their preferred NGO and completing the registration process, thereby combining their passion for running with a commitment to social impact.
How can corporates participate in VDHM and support social causes?
Corporations can actively participate in VDHM by forming employee teams and making contributions to selected NGOs through the Corporate Team Participation program. By registering as corporate teams, companies not only demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility but also foster employee engagement and team cohesion. Through their involvement, corporations play a pivotal role in addressing social challenges and contributing to the betterment of society, while also enhancing their brand reputation and employee satisfaction.
How can corporates participate in VDHM and support social causes?
Corporate Teams and Employee Contributors enjoy a range of benefits commensurate with their contribution levels, including recognition on the Wall of Change, promotional opportunities on social media, and exclusive privileges on race day. Moreover, top contributors are honored at the prestigious Philanthropy Awards Night, where their philanthropic leadership is celebrated and acknowledged, reinforcing their commitment to social impact and community welfare.
How can an Individual become a Social Impact Contributor?

For those new to contributing to social impact (as an individual fundraiser):

  1. Register on the official UWD VDHM micro-site.
  2. Complete the basic information.
  3. Choose the NGO you want to support and its cause.
  4. Specify the target fundraising amount.
  5. Write your appeal and a brief biography.
  6. Upload your photo.

Begin fundraising. Best of luck!

For existing social impact contributors (individual fundraisers)

  1. Log in to the official UWD VDHM micro-site using your credentials.
  2. Re-select the NGO and cause you want to support.
  3. Specify your fundraising target.
  4. Update your appeal and provide a brief biography.
  5. Upload a photo.

Begin fundraising. Best of luck!

Where can find more information about VDHM Philanthropy and its initiatives?

For comprehensive details about VDHM Philanthropy, including participation guidelines, fundraising opportunities, and event timelines, please visit the official VDHM website and refer to the Philanthropy section. Organisations can also reach out to United Way Delhi for any specific inquiries or assistance regarding their participation, ensuring they have all the information and support needed to make a meaningful contribution to societal welfare through the marathon platform.

For any further information you can contact the United Way Delhi at

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