Jansharnam Fundraiser
0 Raised Goal 100000


Anand Sharma is a sportsman par excellence and a Certified Fitness Expert. He will be participating in VDHM (2023).He has participated in scores of marathons all over the country and has been podium finisher in most of them. We are happy to welcome Mr. Anand Sharma as our Fundraiser for Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon 2023. Looking forward to create greater impact and awareness.


Anand Sharma is a sportsman par excellence and a Certified Fitness Expert. He will be participating in VDHM (2023).He has participated in scores of marathons all over the country and has been podium finisher in most of them. We are happy to welcome Mr. Anand Sharma as our Fundraiser for Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon 2023. Looking forward to create greater impact and awareness.


Jan Sharnam
Jan Sharnam is a national level development organization currently benefiting underprivileged children and marginalized women. Its mission is to bring change in life of underprivileged children, women and old women through education, innovative healthcare and bringing up innovative market focused social initiatives. A initiative to Connect India drive involving every individual to bring a change drive. "Bringing a social change depicts to involve every individual as involvement of each"


A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.


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