Dr Amit Ballani
12100 Raised Goal 500000


A radiologist, runner, fitness enthusiast, triathelete, Functional fitness trainer and TRYING TO BECOME A HUMAN.


With the vision of “a world where no child ever has to live on the streets”, lets join hands and contribute a little to protect homeless children across railway stations across entire Indian Railways.


Railway Children India
Railway Children India was established in 2013 as a non-profit organisation under Section 8 of The Companies Act, 2013 with a vision to ‘create a world where no child ever has to live on the streets.’

Over the last 25 years, we have protected more than 100,000 children across 35 railway stations and institutionalised child protection within Indian Railways.

- Protecting 4000+ children and getting them back to family.
- Preventing 1400 children, across 5 slum communities of Delhi NCR, from slipping into street life.
- Creating a safety net across Delhi Howrah railway network, spanning 66 railway stations and 35 districts, that can protect 35000 children in the next 5 years.
- As a resource organization for the Indian Railways, a key feature of our work includes training and sensitizing their staff on child protection and building a community of more than 5000 child protection champions, annually.


A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.

Ravi Lalwani
Dr Neha Bansal


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