Glad to greet from the top class training cenre of DB Tech. There is nothing but great GREEN memories of any one who lived in DBSM. Gigantic look of the building, Safe residence of Maria Mane, Awesome Auditorium, Happy class rooms and the green campus will always remain fresh in the minds of you trainees. The Confidience that you built up, the friends you gathered and fun moments will speak of DBSM. Its a Happy home of yours. Having grown from here its a great thing to contribute to the institution that has built you up. Its time to contribute something back especially as DB Tech is making a marathon for more visibility and progress.
As a Don Bosco Institution we are committed to chaning the face of India by turning the unskilled laborers into skilled laborers. In the Marathon of life DB Tech is running ahead in transforming lives. Every one in the country and esp you my friend have the responsibility to support us. We look forward to that tangibly. God Bless Your Generosity.
A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.