Sense International India
500 Raised Goal 250,000


Sense International India, also known as Sense India, was established in 1997 as the first and only non-governmental organisation to support the development of comprehensive services for people with deafblindness and multiple disabilities throughout India. Sense India works with local organisations to develop sustainable services for children and adults with deafblindness and collaborates with the government at centre and state levels. We have reached to provide needs-based services to around 80,000 children with deafblindness directly through 60 partner NGOs in 23 states of India, and through collaboration with the government’s national Samagra Shiksha - ‘inclusive education’ programme. With our effort, children with deafblindness and multiple disabilities have been identified and are being prepared to attend mainstream schools. We are also partnering with leading organisations in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Malaysia to train educators and setup needs-based services for deafblind.

Sense India advocates for the recognition and realisation of rights of persons with deafblindness with the government and our biggest achievement has been recognition of ‘Deafblindness’ in the Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016 and their rights are now protected. The inclusion of vaccination for Rubella under the Universal Immunization Programme is another significant achievement of our advocacy initiatives. We are a member of several Central Government and State level advisory groups. Sense India is accredited by the United Nations and enjoys consultative status on deafblindness.


Every RUN has a DESTINATION. On 20th October 2024, deafblind children and adults will run to prove their existence!

Have you heard about deafblindness? Did you know that nearly 5 lakh deafblind people in India are unable to both see and hear? They live in isolation and neglect, denied the basic human experiences of love and care, education, employment, and medical care—needs that most of us take for granted.

We are on a mission to change that!

Since its inception, Sense India has been dedicated to transforming the lives of deafblind individuals across the country. Through early intervention, customized education, and livelihood opportunities, we have helped over 80,000 deafblind people transition from isolation to a life filled with communication, interaction, and self-esteem.

Access to these essential services is life-changing—it allows deafblind children to unlock their potential and explore the world around them. But we can’t do it alone. We need your support to continue this vital work.

You can make a significant impact. Here’s how you can help today:

- Buy a Charity Bib: Participate in any race category with Sense India and run to support children with deafblindness.
- Host a Fundraising Event: Organize an event to raise funds and awareness for our cause.
- Raise Funds Online: Start an online fundraising campaign to rally support from your friends and family.
- Join as a Corporate Team: Engage your company and colleagues to run and raise funds for Sense India.

Regardless of your age, location, or ability to participate in the marathon, you can make a difference in a deafblind child’s life—and you can start right now.

Join us in supporting the education and rehabilitation of 85 children with deafblindness and multiple disabilities in Porbandar and Surendranagar. Your participation and donations will provide essential services like education, healthcare, livelihood training, and rehabilitation, giving these children a chance at a brighter future.

Together, we can change lives. Run with us and make a difference!

Let’s run to transform lives. Let’s run for a cause.


Help us raise funds for our specific needs.

Educational and Rehabilitation Services of children with Deafblindness and MD Sense India is supporting 85 deafblind & MD children in Porbandar & Surendranagar, offering education, healthcare, livelihood, rehab, & training. Join us to make the difference.



A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.

Shivkumar Sharma
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