0 Raised Goal 1,000,000


Tamana' is a nonprofit charitable organization which has been relentlessly working in the field of disabilities in India since the last four decades. Tamana provides a holistic, inclusive and ICT based rehabilitation programme which focuses primarily on life skills development, independence training and vocational skills development for self-reliance of the differently abled. Its beneficiaries include individuals with intellectual disability, multiple disabilities and those on the autism spectrum. Tamana aims to realise the hidden potential of these individuals to make them confident men and women so that they create their own niche in society, a society which will be more accepting of these individuals through the awareness generation created by Tamana of the rights and abilities of these individuals.


" Our Dreams are Bigger than our Resources..."
Tamana NGO has been relentlessly working in the field of disabilities in India since 1984. Tamana was founded by Dr. Shayama Chona ( Padma Bhushan & Padma Shri awardee) and is named after her daughter Tamana who was born with cerebral palsy.

Tamana navigates the hopes and dreams of individuals with intellectual, developmental and multiple challenges and those on the autism spectrum, by enabling them to become integrated and inclusive members of our society.

In its journey of 41 years, which saw many high and lows ,Tamana has established three centres in Delhi. The first one, Tamana Special Education Centre was inaugurated by Late Princess Diana and is for the age group of pre-school to 18 years. The second one, Tamana Autism Centre: School of Hope is for those on the autism spectrum and also has a mothers program for early intervention. The third one, Tamana Skill Development Centre is for young adults 18 years onwards and has accreditation from NIOS with specialised vocational skills training units. It also has a residential facility for differently abled boys.

It has been a great challenge year after year to raise funds not only to survive but also to make Tamana a place of quality with the best amenities that are offered in international reputable institutions. We strongly believe that the differently abled deserve better than the best.

Our hope and faith for their betterment is proving to be true as we are able to integrate them in society. Our specialised skill training is enabling students to get jobs in the hospitality & service industry, we have absorbed many of them as assistant trainers and helpers in the therapy units and class groups within Tamana.

Majority of our students belong to the economically weaker sections of the society. Moreover, we are facing multiple challenges to maintain the quality of special education, therapeutic intervention and vocational training through trained top class manpower. It is not easy to maintain the infrastructure of three centres with better expectations of salaries from qualified staff with the rise in cost of living. The ratio of students to staff is 1:5 which makes this NGO one of the first and the best NGO for the differently abled.

We are reaching out to you with a humble appeal for financial aid. Your support will have a lasting impact and will enable us to continue our mission of promoting inclusivity, independence, and empowerment.

Together lets create a better world for the differently abled.

How can you make a difference:
You can support the monthly charges for therapies of a single student- Rs 8500/ month or 1,02000/annually
You can support the transport charges of a single student -Rs 3500/month or Rs 42000 a year
You can support the expenses for vocational training of a single student-Rs 8000/month or 96000/per annum


Help us raise funds for our specific needs.

Skill Development of Differently abled young Adults Support the vocational training expenses of a young adult with intellectual disability/auitsm and help him/her become independent and self reliant.
Therapeutic interventions for children with multiple disabilities Support the therapeutic interventions-occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy and psychotherapy- of a child with multiple disabilities for optimal rehabilitation
Free transport facility for differently abled students Support the transport expense of differently abled child so that heshe may be able to access therapeutic interventions and special educational and vocational training



A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.

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