GLRA India
1,263 Raised Goal 2,500,000


GLRA India is a secular non-profit Indian entity since 1966, registered in 1992, working on the medical care and social Rehabilitation of people affected by Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Disability inclusion, and also for people in Humanitarian crisis. Our vision is “A world in which no one suffers from Leprosy, Tuberculosis, and other poverty-related diseases and consequences such as physical disability and social exclusion”. GLRA currently works in 98 districts in 12 states through direct initiatives and also in collaboration with NGO partners and the government.


Water, Access, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in urban slums is worse in terms of availability, accessibility, acceptability, quality, safety, and affordability of water and sanitation. Physical environment, including infrastructural facilities, is lacking in urban slums prevents achieving health for all specially among the children and elderly. Considering the effect of lack of available and accessible WASH facilities and public toilets, the slum dwellers’ lack of knowledge in importance of hygiene practices result in communicable diseases and physical conditions that lead to poverty among the slum communities.

GLRA India initiated a comprehensive WASH model project through multi-faced interventions that aims to provide improved WASH facilities in 5 slums in Agra. The project will involve frontline health workers, elected Civil body members, sanitary workers as stakeholders for a sustainable action besides involving community volunteers, school health clubs and SHGs to demonstrate sanitation practices and the importance of health-seeking behaviour.


Help us raise funds for our specific needs.

Resilient and Healthy Communities in AGRA by Promoting Sanitation and Hygiene Construction of 20 toilets and 10 hand wash stations in 5 schools besides health awareness exhibitions, street plays and behaviour change campaigns on hygiene practices among 5700 households.



A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.

Sushil Kr. Singh
Naresh Chaudhary
Aniket J Patel
Rhoma Bhatia
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