Sarayu Foundation Public Charitable Trust
0 Raised Goal 15,000,000


Sarayu Foundation Charitable Trust, established in October 2006, began as a modest initiative aimed at giving back to society in a meaningful way. Since 2015, Sarayu Trust has been financially supporting various grassroots non-profit organisations working in education and community empowerment.
Further, Sarayu Trust has been involved in numerous projects that have left a lasting influence on public discourse on Indian history and civilisation. The Trust has emerged as a notable voice, driving a paradigm shift on how ordinary Indians view and perceive their history and heritage.


Dear Friends,
The Sarayu Foundation Trust is dedicated to providing non-formal education to children from lower-class families, helping them apply their school learning to real-world situations. Our initiatives focus on reviving Indian culture and schools of thought, restoration of ancient temples, influencing discussions on Indian history and civilisation. Through comprehensive projects, informal teaching, and research, we aim to inspire positive change and rejuvenate our cultural heritage. Your generous donations will help us preserve and promote India's rich legacy, empowering future generations. Our efforts in comprehensive projects, informal teaching, and thorough documentation and research are beyond mere initiatives; they are intended to encourage positive change and revitalise our cultural legacy.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Sarayu Foundation Public Charitable Trust


Help us raise funds for our specific needs.

Sangam Talks Sangam Talks is a multi-lingual YouTube platform operating as a Think Tank for documenting Indian Knowledge Systems and untold Indian history.
Vaidika Bharata Gurukula Gurukul, founded in 2019 by Acharya Mohit Bharadvaj, aims to revive lost Vaidika traditions in the Sarasvati Yamuna, and Ganga regions, where these traditions were originally conceived by ancient sage
Gaushala Vision of Gaushal is to protect desi breed cows. All our cows belong to desi breeds: Haryanvi, Tharparkar, Sahiwal & Rathi.We follow best practice to ensure good health of all our cows and their calve
Restoring Ancient Temples Restoration of ancient temples lying in ruins, Revival of ancient festivals through public events,Revival of traditional martial arts Raise a community that protects our ancient Heritage and Culture.



A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.

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