3RZW Environment Foundation
0 Raised Goal 5,000,000


3RZW Environment Foundation was founded with a clear belief to do things differently when it comes to Waste Management. We saw a wonderful opportunity for the over 1.8 Billion tons of Waste lying in India since Independence and 80 Million Tons being generated every year, most of which is being landfilled or burned.

We want to reduce this pile of waste by reusing it as an alternative to fossil-based feedstock. By doing so, 3RZW Environment Foundation strongly contributes to the Circular Economy and improves the environmental footprint by saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions. It also responds to the needs of consumers and brand owners who increasingly call for sustainable products. We are fully committed to UN Sustainable Development Goals SDG 2030.


Waste has become an inevitable part of our daily lives.
It's time to shift our mindset.
What if we no longer saw waste as something to discard, but as a valuable resource waiting to be transformed? This is our call to action—to change the way we view waste and embrace the power of sustainability.

Every piece of discarded material holds potential. When we convert waste into worth, we contribute not only to a cleaner planet but also to a circular economy that thrives on innovation and efficiency. We can transform what was once considered garbage into products that fuel industries, create livelihoods, and support sustainable living.

At the heart of the circular economy lies the 3R mantra: reduce, reuse, and recycle. India's vibrant repair culture exemplifies the 'reuse' principle. By prolonging product lifespans, the nation diminishes waste and curtails demand for new items, championing resource conservation and a lighter environmental footprint. By imbibing the essence of reuse, India inherently propagates a multi-sectoral approach to the circular economy.

Come, let's lead by example.

One Earth, One Family, One Future
We urge you to support vulnerable people and economies, protect the planet, and harness progress for all.


Help us raise funds for our specific needs.

ZeroWaste Youth Warriors (Nurturing Youth Leadership for combating waste in colleges and schools) Aims to empower young leaders to drive sustainable practices and champion zero-waste initiatives through education, community projects, leadership training to promote sustainability.
Waste to Worth Fashion Show 2024 Winter - New Delhi in partnership with NIFT & Rotary International Highlighting eco-friendly fashion from designers below the poverty line. Featuring upcycled designs and sustainable materials to promote inclusivity and reduce waste and create sustainable lifestyles.
Waste to Worth Self Help Groups (Help women who bear the brunt of climate disasters & challenges) Empowering women, hit hardest by climate disasters, to turn waste into valuable products. Focused on skill-building, sustainability, and economic resilience to combat climate impacts.
Rainbow ZeroWaste Businesses (Promote inclusivity by supporting LGBTQ+) Help LGBTQ+ individuals transform waste into valuable products, alleviating poverty, and promoting inclusivity by enhancing economic participation for this marginalized communities.



A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.

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