404,503 Raised Goal 1,000,000


Ushakiran began in 2016 and its aim is to enable children from urban slums and other vulnerable communities to live a life of dignity by providing them with quality education and skill development opportunities for their holistic development. It envisions a society where no child is deprived of all-round development due to poverty.

UshaKiran is taking steps to create a bright future for these deserving children by undertaking a number of initiatives:
- Prepare the children for school admissions
- Provide uniforms, fees, books etc
- Daily remedial classes by subject experts
- Workshops, training, lectures and interactive sessions by experts
- Setting up a Nutri Garden
- Launched an e-library
- Shubharambh project / generate awareness about menstrual hygiene
- ⁠Create awareness and worked towards Health, nutrition and sanitation of the children
- Provide bicycles to children
- Boost creativity by promoting art & craft, dance, and singing
- Promote sports and physical fitness
- Computer education
- Skill development
- Parents counselling


Since September 2023, Ushakiran children have been virtually guided on Robotics by a team of experts from California and have developed basic understanding of the subject. Furthermore, children have developed practical experience on the following:- Hardware setup of basic 4 motor robot- Connection of hardware with software using FTC Wifi- Configuration of driver hub for interaction between control and driver hub- Basic blocks programmed for forward, backward, strafe left and right robot movements- Execution of block programming on robot- Understanding Java basics- Basic Java code run on robot- FTC Github code java class customized for run on robot- ⁠Java coded robot movements like forward, backward, strafe left, strafe right, claw movements.- ⁠Achieved timed robot movement along with object capture using claw.
With the support of a team from California, who are guiding Ushakiran students in robotics, we aspire to see Ushakiran participating in the First Tech robotic competition in near future.
Now to take this to the next level, we need to provide advanced training as well as practical experience, we need to enroll expert teachers and procure tools etc.
In order to execute the above, we earnestly solicit financial support to fulfil the dreams of these underprivileged children and appeal to each one of you to contribute generously for this noble cause. Remember, every drop counts and your contributions means a lot to us transforming the lives of many! Thank you in advance for your continued support and contribution.
Currently, our students study in an open space, which presents numerous challenges, especially during adverse weather conditions. To address this, we are seeking assistance to install a shed at our center. This facility will significantly improve the learning environment and provide our students with amore conducive space for their studies.


Help us raise funds for our specific needs.

Project Robokiran and Shiksha For conducting advanced training on Robotics and education of Children from the vulnerable communities.


A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.

Sunil Baghel
Aarti Notiyal
Vinod Jagdale
Ashok Chitra Pvt Ltd
Nitin Narkhede
Akash Agarwal
Harvinder Sodhi
Dhruva Chauhan
C Chandel
Soumya Acharya
Yogesh Angrish
Akshay Arora
Rajiv Lodaya
Rishi Jain
Vikrant Sisodia
Girish Sharma
Madhav Bhat
Jaideep Kate
Chanpreet Singh
Kumud Dubey
Susan Antony
Hemchand Saxena
Ashish Mehrotra
Preeti Verma
Seema Gupta
Pradeep Bhatia
Rajeswari Damania
Felix Healthcare Private limited
Mukesh Gupta
Gaurav Gupta
S Anand
Dr.Vikas sharma
Jyoti Sharma
Vivek Tiwari
Sarjana Jaiswal
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