VDHM provides wonderful opportunities to NGOs for connecting and raising funds for their causes. It provides an opportunity to create awareness about the NGO’s mission, vision objectives, and their social causes. The VDHM media coverage, social media promotion and website outreach can help to spread the NGO’s message to a wider audience. In addition, United Way Delhi as an official Philanthropy Partner of VDHM 2023 edition has established numerous incentives to the participating NGO’s.

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Ushakiran began in 2016 and its aim is to enable children from urban slums and other vulnerable communities to live a life of dignity by providing them with quality education and skill development opportunities for their holistic development. It envisions a society where no child is deprived of all-round development due to poverty. UshaKiran is taking steps to create a bright future for these deserving children by undertaking a number of initiatives: - Prepare the children for school admissions - Provide uniforms, fees, books etc - Daily remedial classes by subject experts - Workshops, training, lectures and interactive sessions by experts - Setting up a Nutri Garden - Launched an e-library - Shubharambh project / generate awareness about menstrual hygiene - ⁠Create awareness and worked towards Health, nutrition and sanitation of the children - Provide bicycles to children - Boost creativity by promoting art & craft, dance, and singing - Promote sports and physical fitness - Computer education - Skill development - Parents counselling
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Cuddles Foundation
We are Cuddles Foundation, India’s only NGO providing clinically managed nutrition to underserved children fighting cancer at government and charity-funded hospitals. The backbone of our programme is a team of highly trained pediatric oncology nutritionists. They help manage our all-round nutrition programme that combines data-driven diet counselling, necessary food aid, and emotional support to over 18,000 children and their families in India. We believe that no child should have to fight cancer on an empty stomach. Over a decade, we’ve grown and expanded the reach of this vision to 40+ hospitals across 14 states.
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ETASHA Society
ETASHA Society, a not-for-profit organization, has been working since 2006 to skill resource-poor, underserved communities for sustained employment and income generation. We work with whole communities, with a special focus on youth, adolescents and women, to empower them with the skills, confidence and mindset required for modern-day work environments. We envision a future where every Indian is self-reliant, has self-worth and leads a dignified and productive life. The organization was founded by Dr. Meenakshi Nayar.
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Welcome to TARA, where we ignite futures through education and empowerment. Since 2009, we've safeguarded vulnerable children by providing quality education, healthcare, and family support. Family Based Care: Our community-centered approach identifies at-risk children, offering education, health check-ups, counselling, and rights awareness. The TARA Outreach Centre (TOC)currently benefiting 93 direct beneficiaries. Residential Care: As a last resort, Judicial Magistrate-ordered placements at TARA Homes ensure nurturing environments for 57 children. We prioritize education, healthcare, and empowerment. After Care: TARA Big Birds: Supporting young adults from our homes, we promote independence through education and vocational training. Capacity Building: TARA Training Centre trains 116 staff in child protection under strict regulations, ensuring excellence and impact. Our Commitment to Education: At TARA, education breaks cycles of poverty, empowering children to excel and thrive.
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CSRL (Centre for social responsibility & leadership)
CSRL has been at the forefront of promoting educational excellence, with a belief that education is the most powerful tool for social change. Our initiatives aim to bridge the gap between underprivileged communities and corporate support, ensuring that deserving students have access to quality education and opportunities to succeed. Through our flagship programs, CSRL Super 30 & school projects, we provide rigorous academic training, mentorship, and holistic development to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Our efforts have consistently resulted in remarkable academic achievements, enabling our students to secure admissions to prestigious institutions and embark on promising careers. Vision To be focused and determined in transforming lives and bridging the socio-economic disparity of the society. Mission Clearing the pebbles of financial stress and carving the path to success by nurturing leadership and promoting a sense of social responsibility in talented minds. Values Accountable Un-biased/ Independent Non -Discrimination Strive for Excellence Team Work
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Child Care & Development Foundation (CCDF), is a not for profit, non-government, voluntary organization committed to the care & development of the underprivileged children. The organization was founded by Mr. Sanjeev Aggarwal, it works in Delhi & NCR (INDIA) for the betterment of the downtrodden and destitute children. CCDF activities are financed through donation & gifts by philanthropists & individuals like you, corporate houses and sponsorship of projects & children. CCDF is a registered NGO under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
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Parivartan Sandesh Foundation
Parivartan Sandesh Foundation (PSF) is a Charity Organization registered under Section – 60 vide Regd No- 1843/4/3693/96-112 in Delhi.Organization is working for the betterment and development of deprived and marginalized population through promoting various programs in India to ensure right to education, access to health services, empowering adolescents through vocational skills to have better livelihood chances & spreading awareness of social issues. A community based on human rights, equity, justice, honesty, social sensitivity & a culture of service in which all are self-reliant. PSF focus & sole reason for existence is the betterment of Under-privileged in terms of Health, Education, self-reliant Skills & for awareness of Social issues. Organization & sensitization of the community is the approach through which empowerment, capacity building & social transformation are attempted.
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GLRA India
GLRA India is a secular non-profit Indian entity since 1966, registered in 1992, working on the medical care and social Rehabilitation of people affected by Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Disability inclusion, and also for people in Humanitarian crisis. Our vision is “A world in which no one suffers from Leprosy, Tuberculosis, and other poverty-related diseases and consequences such as physical disability and social exclusion”. GLRA currently works in 98 districts in 12 states through direct initiatives and also in collaboration with NGO partners and the government.
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UDAI, meaning “to rise,” operates with a holistic approach towards the rehabilitation and education of children with special needs. UDAI encompasses a Special School, an Intervention Center, a Residential Setup, and a Vocational Unit. Currently, UDAI serves approximately 200 children, maintaining a student-teacher ratio of 6:1.
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Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama (ROSHNI)
ROSHNI, founded in 1998 at the Ramakrishna Ashrama, Gwalior, strives to fulfil the rehabilitation needs of persons with cerebral palsy, mental retardation, autism and other neurological impairments in Gwalior and the surrounding districts. As of 31st March 2024, 3200 persons have been registered with ROSHNI for various services. We provide Home Management [OPD] Services, Special School, and a strong focus on Early Intervention, Vocational Skill Development For Adults, Advocacy and guidance & Training of parents, Community workers, Medical & Rehab professionals, Mainstream teachers . . The two Early Intervention Projects are important and urgently need to be developed and sustained. The one for All developmental disabilities (17 Infants 0-6 years) was initiated in 2002 and the Swami Vivekananda ComDEALL Early Intervention Unit for Children with Autism Spectrum & Communication Disorders (Age 2-6 years),since 2012, 18 children are currently in this Unit. The Vocational Training Unit has a growing number of young adults attending the programme and income generation is a target area . We would like to reach many more beneficiaries in the rural areas and satellite towns around Gwalior in the future. We have extended the Roshni Building to provide a larger venue for the vocational unit, which has been funded entirely by Heart and Hand for Handicapped. ROSHNI launched its Teachers’ Training Programme in 2003, aimed at promoting Inclusive Education in mainstream schools, to facilitate Inclusive Education for the children with disabilities; over 100 children a number from our Early Intervention Units, are studying successfully in mainstream schools, as a result of our regular trainings. We have more than 50 schools in our network and schools are beginning to see the importance of early identification of Specific Learning Disabilities and ADHD; these students are also now
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Wings of Wisdom Foundation
Wings of Wisdom Foundation is a non-profit, non -governmental and a section 8 company. The organization adapts standard operating procedures of the government in fulfilling fundamental requirements of the needy with a committed and professional team of WoWF. Our Vision: We envision children and families from every community equipped with quality education, health, and opportunities to rise to their full potential. Our Mission: Wings of Wisdom Foundation is dedicated to changing lives by unlocking potential and inspiring growth for marginalized communities. We work as bridge builders between the development sector and government to provide underprivileged people with equal access to sustainable opportunities in education, health, sanitation, clean water, environment, and equal treatment. Our Goal: Our aim is to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals by empowering marginalized communities to achieve lasting change. Working with relevant stakeholders, Wings of Wisdom Foundation equips families with the access and understanding they need to improve their lives and communities. Our Values: Humility & Respect, Integrity & Honesty, Accountability & Sustainability, Strategic & Collaborative, Perseverance & Resilience.
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Rasta a National level not for profit organization existing since 1994. So far, impacted 300,000 directly and 550,000 beneficiaries indirectly, through 37 projects, with the support of 38 supporting partners across 80 locations in Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Uttarakhand, with professionally qualified and dedicated team of staff and volunteers. Our key areas of interventions are Education, Community Health, Women Empowerment, and Rural Development. Recently Rasta has been awarded with Best NGO Working for Girl Child Education by Indian CSR Awards. RASTA reaches to disadvantaged children through Day care education centres, Pre-school, Non- Formal Education, Formal Education (a English medium recognized School only for marginalized girls), Remedial and Distance learning and Adult Education by creating need-based teaching learning materials (TLM) up to classes 4th in subjects (Hindi, English, and Math), and trained 500 teachers from government schools and civil society organizations. We’ve carried out different research studies for National and International organizations. We are specialized in running community based Non-Formal Education centres for the underprivileged and preparing children for age-appropriate classes. Till now educated 30,000 children and mainstreamed more than 10,000 children through different educational activities .
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Amarpushp Educational and Welfare Society
Amarpushp Educational and Welfare Society (AEWS) is a non-profit organization working passionately to provide quality education to underprivileged children. We have waged a war against child labour and our priority is to get every child their fundamental right to education. Our commitment extends to empowering women, skill development and environment awareness. www.amarpushp.org.in
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Sense International India
Sense International India, also known as Sense India, was established in 1997 as the first and only non-governmental organisation to support the development of comprehensive services for people with deafblindness and multiple disabilities throughout India. Sense India works with local organisations to develop sustainable services for children and adults with deafblindness and collaborates with the government at centre and state levels. We have reached to provide needs-based services to around 80,000 children with deafblindness directly through 60 partner NGOs in 23 states of India, and through collaboration with the government’s national Samagra Shiksha - ‘inclusive education’ programme. With our effort, children with deafblindness and multiple disabilities have been identified and are being prepared to attend mainstream schools. We are also partnering with leading organisations in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Malaysia to train educators and setup needs-based services for deafblind. Sense India advocates for the recognition and realisation of rights of persons with deafblindness with the government and our biggest achievement has been recognition of ‘Deafblindness’ in the Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016 and their rights are now protected. The inclusion of vaccination for Rubella under the Universal Immunization Programme is another significant achievement of our advocacy initiatives. We are a member of several Central Government and State level advisory groups. Sense India is accredited by the United Nations and enjoys consultative status on deafblindness.
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Creation Welfare Society
Establishment: Founded under the Indian Society Registration Act XXI of 1860 by professionals in Rural Development, Social Work, Agriculture, and Medicine. Mission: To contribute to the growth and development of the poor and marginalized, bringing them into mainstream society. Geographical Presence: Operations span across Bihar, Delhi, and Uttar Pradesh and have impacted lives 50000+ families. Target Population: Women from impoverished backgrounds, including Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Backward Castes. - Implements direct interventions through action-based research initiatives. Empowering Young People: Sensitization and Mobilization: Addressing issues of Gender, Sexuality, Health & Rights, Peer Pressure, Education, Governance, and Accountability. Training & Development: Equipping women and youth with life skills and marketable skills for enhanced employability and livelihood. Community-Based Partnerships: Collaborations with youth groups and activists in Delhi and Bihar to mobilize and empower young individuals for skill development.
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HelpAge India
Set up in 1978, HelpAge India is a secular, not-for-profit organization in India, registered under the Societies' Registration Act of 1860 which works for ‘the cause and care of disadvantaged older persons to improve their quality of life’ and is spread across 26 states and more than 243 project locations, pan India. HelpAge envisions a society where elderly have the right to an active, healthy and dignified life. It became the first and only Indian organization to be honored with the ‘UN Population Award 2020’ for its exemplary work in the field of ageing, relief efforts work during the Covid-19 pandemic and recognition of the organization’s outstanding contribution to population issues and efforts in the realization of older person’s rights in India. The organization’s programmes are focused on direct interventions in the areas of Healthcare, Age care, Livelihoods, Disaster Response, Digital Literacy & Safety, as well as Research, Advocacy and Awareness on rights and policies relating to elders. HelpAge India reaches out to 2 million elders and we need to expand outreach greatly which will be possible only through your support. THEIR ONLY HOPE IS YOU.
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The Creative Thinkers forum
The Creative Thinkers Forum NGO is a non-governmental organization dedicated to empowering individuals and communities through creativity, education, and collaborative problem-solving. With a focus on nurturing innovative thinking and addressing societal challenges, the NGO works to create sustainable and impactful solutions.
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Jan Sharnam
Jan Sharnam is a national level development organization currently benefiting underprivileged children and marginalized women. Its mission is to bring change in life of underprivileged children, women and old women through education, innovative healthcare and bringing up innovative market focused social initiatives. A initiative to Connect India drive involving every individual to bring a change drive. "Bringing a social change depicts to involve every individual as involvement of each"
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Action for Ability Development and Inclusion
Started in 1978, as a centre for special education for children with Cerebral Palsy in Delhi, today AADI is an established National level organisation working for the rights of all people with disability. AADI has been the forerunner in creating service delivery approaches in urban and rural settings; developing a cadre of human resource to directly address the needs of persons with disabilities, spread services in different parts of the country and influence policy and law that addresses the needs of people with disabilities. AADI pursues the vision of an enabling world in which people with disability are acknowledged as a form of human diversity and are able to live with dignity, make all decisions about life; pursue equal opportunities; belong and contribute to families and communities. AADI has worked with more than 10,000 people touched by disability/year; has trained 3000 professionals over the years and made significant contributions to the Legislative reforms. The annual expenditure at AADI is approximately 4 crores. 80% of the recurring expenditure is towards delivering services to people with disability and their families. While 50% of our expenditure is self financed through income from rentals and interests, we require support to raise the balance amount.
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Vipla Foundation
Founded in 1988 by the late Mrs Vipula Kadri, over the last 36 years Vipla Foundation has relentlessly worked towards the enrichment of the lives of underprivileged children and women. In the last 10 years, Vipla Foundation has reached out to over 5,20,000 beneficiaries in the areas of Early Childhood Care, Education, Inclusion, Women Empowerment through Anti Human Trafficking and skilling initiatives. The programme participants are largely children and women from communities experiencing inter-generational poverty due to meagre or limited access to education, livelihood and entitlements. Vipla Foundation recognises inter-sectionalites that operate and impact access of services and resources for people on the basis of gender, caste, class and economic strata of society that makes these families and communities difficult to break the cycle of poverty, exploitation and marginalisation for generations. Vipla Foundation works primarily with children of all ages through Early Childhood Care & Education, Prevention, Early Intervention & education of children with disabilities and helping children attain their learning level competencies. The organisation also works with women and girls from most vulnerable communities and those who are victims of sexual violence including sex trafficking and provides them with opportunities of education, employability, entrepreneurship, quality institutional care, safe return & repatriation and access to justice. Organisational Interventions: There are three core verticals in the organisation – Education, Inclusion and Anti-trafficking. The Inclusion programme includes a school for the hearing impaired and a school for the mentally disabled as well as an early intervention for those with hearing impairment, called Dhvani. The education programme includes work on Early Childhood Education through Balwadi programme and improved learning for children in Primary School through remedial programmes. The Anti-Trafficking vertical works on Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Policy. In urban pockets the Prevention programme includes skilling as a strategy and in rural pockets; the focus is on a Safe Village campaign that involves multiple stakeholders.
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